Another Man ft. Harry Styles

"There comes a day when you realise turning the page is the best feeling in the world" - Zayn Malik
(perhaps a controversial person to quote regarding the subject of this post but just work with me here please)

It is the thing that, this week, has had social media going mad. Harry Styles' AnOther Man feature which has him splashed across the front of three separate covers for the autumn issue of the magazine. Now celebrities cover the front page of thousands of magazines every week but this one is a little different, not just because it's Harry Styles, because its page after page of artistically perfect, excellent quality prints of the ex boyband member.

There's something very different about having these photos to hold rather than simply 'saving them to camera roll'. Nowadays photos get leaked; they get splashed all over social media and there are very rarely physical copies that are permanent and sturdy, and somewhat pleasing, to hold. Holding the magazine in its real form, turning each glossy page one by one, the sound of one page skimming over the other is something that Twitter or Instagram can't quite give you.

Styles takes on a very Mick Jagger-esque style in the pictures that see him revisiting his home town of Holmes Chapel, visiting the bakery he worked at as a teenager and then wandering through fields and prancing in front of lighthouses. All the pictures have such character and such attention to detail.

As his first major feature since the band disbanded late last year, Styles has proved that he is finding his own way, still smiley, charming and charismatic, just a little older, been a few more places, done a few more things, but is now back on home soil.

Somewhere in the midst of my ramblings about the aesthetically pleasing, glossy pages that don Harry's face, what I am trying to get at, maybe, is how important print media is. And not the tabloid, scandals of weekly magazines in which so much is based on rumors or on nothing at all. Pictures like these in this form are so much more personal, more special. It's something to own, something to browse and something to keep. It can't be shared and sent across the internet its your own little book of pretty pictures, inspiring words and your own little getaway.


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